Ideally one should not trash people….well we don’t live in ideal world further Botox Turd is no sacred cow she is as devious as people can get. Also there is a common understanding on civility but if trash is the truth what can you do??? By shirking from harsh truth aren’t we not being irresponsible? Some try to be diplomatic, this suit scoundrels perfectly. Diplomacy is minor hiccup, it helps both the sides to acknowledge and share, a non-judgmental mush. No questions asked. They gestate and thrive in this pool. Incidentally this is the pool Gandhi so effectively tapped, and they gave back the compliment. Though it was Britishers who were charming on matters of diplomacy, and so on one side you exploit people and fatten, in elite circle be in the best of behavior. They have been since a perfect role model for elite in this country. Propriety is a charade they have created and this slant helps in consolidating their position. Propriety becomes a liability when balance is against them (this is quite an international phenomenon even reflected in policies of many nations like say USA. It therefore has individual and collective manifestations). So gandhism is another reason for squatting near positions of power, the hypocrisy of their lifestyle and what Gandhi really stood for is again another minor hiccup (offcourse some do make valiant attempt to modify the philosophy with ‘changing times’). It is actually considered quite ill-mannered to even raise these ethical ambiguities. It is a quaint world (as they say the motto of the coterie is mil baat ke khao bhai…..this should be the official slogan of India…satmayev jayathe is rather outdated, if not India atleast BCCI should take this suggestion seriously!!) There are many corrupt people (politicians are public figure so obvious example), but the corruption of using once influence not of position but inherited is most grievous. This is grievous since it takes away space for talented, deserving people, it is further tragic in an economical and social disparities ridden country like India. Take any example whether politics, business or culture the influence of family is rather stark. A son or daughter gets into power because of their parents influence, they get into positions of business or ‘entrepreneur’ with the socio-economic space provided due to inherited reasons, they even get exposure in popular space of entertainment because of parents (this is also very much true for dukhi atma movies referred to pretentiously as ‘art movie’…with few exceptions they really are pain much inferior than any popular movie….some people know how to lick the space for reason for awards or positioning as ‘concerned people’ in festivals. And botox turd to masticate that she is trying to-save-the-world-so-give-me-some-award). So Karan boy was right on target when he sang ‘its about loving the parents’….well he surely should be grateful, don’t know whether he would fit in as even as a office boy if he didn’t had that backing !! (I like the songs of his movies though). So where is the sacred ‘competence’ people keep referring to??. I guess it has more to do with subordinate level recruitments. Also those who overplay ‘respecting elders’ are basically incompetent and direct beneficiaries of nepotism. Indian culture respected knowledge; earlier experience was knowledge the reason elders were given respect as repositories of knowledge. So now if they want respect just because they are old and invoke ‘culture’ they should get a kick. They shouldn’t be allowed this cynical attempt to accrue power. Ever wonder certain section in elite have great respect for that scoundrel Chanakya??....well the dude legitimized unethical practices almost 2000 years back. Talk of ‘culture’!!!
In recent times the main passion though seems to be to capitalize on the angst of people, there is a huge space here to lick. The reason why Mahatma Gandhi has suddenly become a target of the elite section has nothing to do with this post globalization Gandhian guilt but with a smart realization that there is so much to lick. The area where not much attention is focused is how so called egalitarianism in the elite leads to rabid form of individualism. An individualism lacking any individuality, they loose all reference point, it is about scoring points within their circle, the most obnoxious part is when they use hapless like slum children for self promotion and positioning (Botox Turd is only an example in this cesspool). They use whatever they could to float in this morass; Gandhism is the latest fad in here.
In the stampede to pedestalise Gandhi (to suck on him would be a better way to describe) some very significant shortcomings have been swept under the carpet. However hard one may intellectualize Gandhi he was crass in more than many occasions. He was religious than spiritual the reason why he was blatantly casteist (the same afflicted Mother Theresa being religious made her obstinate about abortion and so on. They cannot see the truth can they?). Rather than being humanist he tried to play minority card like a cheap politician (khilafat was his intern…many ‘secular’ parties have exploited these with élan since then. One main reason for communalization of society. Minority fundamentalism’s contribution to mainstream Hindu Fundamentalists is quite significant than what is acknowledged). He surrounded himself with sycophants- the progenies have taken over. Gandhi tried to teach British variety of ‘propriety’, the superficialities that help make connections-the reason why the elite were ecstatic about him while Bhagath Singh and Subhash Chandra Bose where sidelined and even humiliated (no need to intellectualize his non violence and peace, he showed his deviousness-Tripuri, Poona pact…anyone??). His ‘experiment with truth’ really was sometimes not to do much with truth but exigencies
and convenience. Indeed Gandhi did not really face the kind of misery or trouble some of his common followers, influenced by his ideas faced. Many underwent hardship and misery while Gandhians squatting near power centers amassed wealth and influence and have since passed on these tricks to their progenies or the new entrants to power circles. One wonders whether the ‘great leaders’ who played roles in freedom struggle would be still be great if they were not from certain social background. How much is their greatness riding on sacrifices of common people? Gandhi caps are now more of symbol of corruption is no coincidence.
What if we don’t have talent, competence or even are not popular we can still lick. The spoils are huge in matters of ‘culture’ so they have created a system of conscious for the sake of society and them as saviors. They do have family, elders who are veterans in this art, to tutor and guide them. Some people make it even with minimum of effort, infact it is effortless (botox turd does carry that gandhian extra long smile). Take the example of Padma awards, the annual nonsense or shall we say shame, since it is time to get the marks for sycophancy. Who are the people who decide these, obviously a coterie of people (do a statistics on who are the people who are awarded by the State and you will get all kinds of worms wriggling). Like economic policies these people have become as much sacred that no political changes tend to affect them, they have their pie cleverly spread.
This kind of influence is widespread in almost all field, they work on political correctness and posturing. The reason why mediocrity is institutionalized in almost every field has more to do with these factors. So although we have some very talented people they will never get the chance, will be squashed at the first instance if they appear threatening, in case they do come out, the system created insures that the benefit is accrued by certain quarters. Honchos riding Media or billion rupee BCCI are but minor example. They have also intellectualized themselves as if they are the only one who can understand poor or marginalized. Its kind of a long queue..….ending at TV studios, generally. (at one point I am told Brinda baby would even sleep at NDTV studio, she would call back and say meh jijaji ke yahan hoon!!. And then would play anthakshri with songs that had jijaji-only-words till the world needs her to save and also give votes, woman’s reservation anyone???. What about forest and wildlife??. ….well jijaji hain na !. But then jijaji is more into this-time-i-will-get-the-election-predictions-right tragic world. With each passing election he gets more and more dark lines under his eyes than anything else, but then we admire his persistence, haven’t got the Doctorate from the pawn shop!!. Some exit poll psycho this one.
Another great man in the history was Ambedkar, had to face more hardship even though he was brilliant, despite being a Cabinet Minister he was refused what was due. One wonders how much Mahatmahood would be granted to Gandhi by the elite, then and now, if he was from Scheduled Caste or a tribal?. How many businessmen would have filled the kitty? (Is it about being a bania that attracted certain influential section?). More than Gandhi it was his certain brand of followers who really spoiled whatever Gandhi ever try to implement or stood for. They were shocked that Mahatma Gandhi brought the issue of untouchability or that salt tax is what we should protest, most of them were from elite section even at the village level. Even today there are certain sections of society who carry shit…this in 21st century. They had many seminars, and positioned themselves as saviors, and they wore khadi and licked Gandhi…. but even today casteism exists in its most blatant form, matrimonial columns is just a tip of iceberg we acquaint. Two glass system in TN (these are the ‘OBCs’ who are getting reservation for terrorizing SCs!!. I guess this is Dravidian way of dealing with things) is a small example of this symptom. One wonders how much a decisive action (violence maybe) would have helped mobility in society in long term than gandhian licking considering how cruder things have become. It would have immensely helped to mitigate the traditional bias than ‘let’s change their mind’ of Gandhian tickle. This is what greatly helped the elite, they had nothing to loose but grab. Gandhism was used to appropriate and consolidate the reason they find Gandhi variety of protest so very appealing. It saves them the trouble. So let’s peacefully protest at Jantar Mantar in front of camera, then….???. You go back to your hell I go to my AC and have biriyani. I become an activist and try for bigger lick for people’s sake. It is more about packaging now. In the cruder times we live in, Gandhism is a joke played on common people. Gandhism in the context we live never helps the weak particularly in the matters of politics and change; it is used by powerful (and wannabees) to consolidate themselves at the expense of marginalized.
The elite realized there was more to gain from ‘peaceful protest’, passions need be controlled otherwise they would be in the line of fire, we aint want ‘million mutinies’ do we??!!. This helps them immensely to ‘represent’ the angst and so claim positions and favors (there are many who squat near power centers, today they lick on slums, street children,…and also now very chic subjects like AIDS, communalism and so on….they correctly realize there is huge gain here). Offcourse Gandhi tickled them with ‘trusteeship’ the dumb down version they took by heart. It is no wonder that the marginalized section adores Ambedkar and in many cases are viciously against Gandhians (they hate to be patronized as Harijan. Many of the Gandhian saviors were stranded!!. Geez we only wanted to help, don’t push us out!!). While the elite of society adore Gandhi (there is a cottage industry functioning here, patronizing is their passion), extending ‘polite’ lip service to Ambedkar.
Everything said and done Gandhi was certainly an admirable and quite a rare soul- a Mahatma, despite his shortcomings. There were many aspects about him that were immensely beautiful and endearing, which is not reflected by so called Gandhians. It is always easy to criticize great people, which is as dangerous as pedestalisation for personal gain. But this blogger maintains that his pandering of elite was his unbecoming and what was good about him is now being brought down by devious people for self promotion. Brand Gandhi is bankable commodity, high ROI !!! And yes Mahatma Gandhi would have never agreed to name Awards after him.
So what about Botox Turd???
Botox Turd who??
...well you have mentioned that in the title of this article, we thought its about her!!!
when we are discussing great people like Gandhi and Ambedkar it’s easy to ignore Botox Turd.
So nothing on latest antics of Turd??
We will definitely read about Botox Turd in the next article I assure you.
One last question who is Botox Turd???!!
……well all I can say is I strongly condemn use of words like ‘s**li r*ndi’, these are indecent. Nevertheless identity of Botox Turd will be revealed very soon… more questions please. Thank you.
Post script: when I was staying in Karol bagh (delhi) sometime back, guys had competition on who could use maximum abuse in a sentence!!!. Incidentally there was a chana jor garam wala who would come every week in the street corner…he was kind of crazy and had collection of songs filled with invectives and serious deviance, he was rallying point on Sunday noon, once in a month.
Although I am against any form of abuse words, with woman like Botox Turd even ‘s**li r*ndi’ is mild. And colonoscopy (strictly not in medical terms) is even a milder action!!.
Disclaimer: it is rather unfortunate the kind of abuse words used, it focuses on emasculation. In patriarchal society this affects the ego structure, the reason so widely used. This blogger has absolutely nothing against prostitutes- those functioning at the lower strata, and not nympho of Juhu.
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