Monday, May 28, 2007

Gandhian turd goes to marriage

Another social ill, children even now mug-up, is lavish marriages and the impact on society. This is one major problem in poorer and middle class society, the spending on marriages and the prestige associated with these events. With Market making a strong entry Marriages are now event management. Also the underlining theme is ‘no guilt’ on spending. It is now seen as natural. Spending lavishly is now almost endearing atleast in mainstream media.

This blogger avoids going to marriages. Previously it was nausea I associated with arranged marriage, later (in north) the money they spend on the event as also public nuisance. Last decade or so if recall rightly I attended only two odd weddings. Both my house owners, one even making sure I attend…checking whether I was coming even at the last moment, I actually was feeling real sorry for him since he was selling the house to compensate the marriage (the other was a muslim wedding and I was curious). Actually avoiding marriages was a bit of a sacrifice since I being a foodie!!. Those days I used to have food from street (8Rs thali from telawala) they make it good though bit unhygienic (I guess we don’t see the kitchen in proper restaurant so shouldn’t pass judgment), I used to get stomach and other related ailments often, yes I do have sturdy stomach but it has taken too much…am told that I would end with serious diseases as I age (I am looking forward to it!!). Coming back to spending in marriages this has now become a trend. Some time back ‘richest indian’ had his daughter wedded, and spend millions of rupees…I do agree its individual choice, he a self made man with impeccable credentials. But if I am invited to such marriages (that’s a long shot!!, just to take an example) I would most probably drop a card of congratulation (now its email!). Since it clashes with my value system, indeed after a study on the issue(also you can say i have taken what was taught in school bit too seriously!!). But Turd babe doesn’t have such hiccups, when it is richest people, turd should be there-there should be turd!!. It is an opportunity for huge lick…Turd ain’t miss that one. Further you don’t know how he will be useful, so it is about PR and media attention. Terriffic!!. With same zest she would also hugs a slum dweller in front of the camera (s**li r*ndi??). Minor hiccups, she being a muslim is the saving grace for her!!!. Secularism final act of redemption !!!. Amen to that.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Its Turd again!!!

This blog seemed to have turned into ‘meet botox turd’ site!!. I really don’t mind. The reason why Botox Turd is hauled up again is that I caught some snatches in BBC where she was interviewed, this Sunday past 10pm. I saw it for 2 or 3 minutes in gaps for sometime, since I was catching up on Kannadi- a Malayalam program, I try watching this on Sundays (although I mostly miss it since Sundays are quite busy for me and get very sleepy past nine. Kannadi is a no nonsense program and Gopakumar is one of the best in this field. This is a program that is a more refined and matured version of ‘world this week’ that used to come long long back. Prannoy -‘hamare jijaji’ for some, did a decent job there).

Turd says that she is not a practicing muslim but a cultural muslim!!. Meaning I will give credence to degrading practices (like the greatness of veil) and score brownie points but will have nothing to do with it (part of as they ‘personal choice’). This clinging on helps her and thus be a self appointed spokesperson of Muslims (attempted, atleast in mainstream media) without having anything to do with common muslims. There is lot of licking space here for Turds of the world to survive for few more decades!!. And western media are looking for some symbols (caricature would be better) to understand this country, basically it’s about huge market. Turd sure is having some freak out time post 9/11. A statement here and a line there is what she need to do. Even evangelist Friedman (of ‘World is Flat’ fame) quotes her. Things have become effortless for her. She also tells the dude from BBC that Mumbai needs slum for us to know them (meaning poor people), it makes us sensitive, is her conclusion. That’s typical turdspeak, she just has to speak and it is taken as truth for Indians!!!. We also need zoo so that we know about animals is another view. It’s all the same. So slum dwellers exist for conscience sake of people like turd, and she is here to save them. She also verdicts that delhi doesn’t have slums!! I guess the slum dwellers should now line up and make attempt on rectifying conscience of elite, the onus is on them otherwise their existence is meaningless….gandhian??! (himath deko iski). Speaking with passion is what Abdullah boy told as bed time story….what matters is speaking in front of TV and making some connections. Presto!!. Not to forget she was the second wife of the joker…oops!! That’s emancipation for you.

Tailpiece: few weeks back there was this incidence in Baroda about a monkey being arrested by police. The monkey it seems was symbolizing freedom for us!!(more on that sometime later…but yes dudes know how to get fame, media how to sensationalize and fringe element as well as city based ‘secularism’ brigade how to capitalize on non issue-they crying wolf at the drop of hat, will certainly create one….also we don’t need lessons about secularism from saffron brigade or city based secularism pretenders-mostly market initiated. With market around, painters needn’t be seen as representing ideal, good joke that one). But the interesting thing was this woman Anjolie Ela Menon who was hopping from one studio to another (this time I will save the world), she was spewing as if world is coming to an end!!. This blogger has no like or dislike for her painting, it’s rather pretentious the multicolor faces she paints. Being not as famous as she would want to be, this was her chance. Nothing wrong you just have to move the arse from one studio to another in friendly neighbourhood, the world does get saved!!.
There are millions of homeless in this country and in cities like Delhi millions sleep on streets and footpath. Even this blogger had to struggle to get a foothold during the initial period of stay. So what do you say about people who keep flats (rooms) empty and locked right in the middle of the teeming city….i would say it is vulgar if not criminal. That is Anjolie woman for you she has kept her flat locked for years now, wherein people eke out living in very limited space, sometimes whole joint family living in a room like in places like Regairpura (to take example from Delhi). I really am astounded sometimes by the behavior of rich people in this country. Forget crying for secularism woman like her should be whacked…..they don’t get the point otherwise, complacency has eaten into them. They don’t understand what it means to have a decent place to stay, to have place to sleep and privacy. What they know is how to save the world, particularly by teaching us secularism and big talk. Maybe like Botox Turd she could act in some dukhi atma movie (well it is not difficult to catch award wining directors…with her background. They come to collect awards in delhi, we trap them there…it’s so easy) and save us from the bad world!!. Sab ke sab saale janwar. Secularism sikhane chale. It unbelievable that people could degrade to this extent, I guess she is just trying to score points in the pecking order of art market…controversy makes business sense.

Let’s get the record right: Indian society at the common people level is most secular and democratic in its outlook and expression (even at subconcious level we believe other religion Gods as our own) despite its poverty and history of oppression, invasions and patriarchy. It’s an amazing aspect of this society, the faith in democracy. In west it was modernity fuelled by technology that brought ideas of secularism, even then till recently they were racist. Secularism in India is mainly because of Hindus, there should not be any doubt on that one. It’s an inbuilt idea. Yes there are problems there are pockets of intolerant people but India can never be a theocratic state or talibanised, it’s against the nature of Hindu society. It is friction with organized religions (and market) in context to political positioning is where the disaster is, the ideas of fundamentalism initiates here. Another is dismissive nature of elite and their west bound outlook. There seems to be a tendency in elite circle to ridicule Hindus, like for instance Hindu rate of growth (in economics) or calling India as ‘unlikely democracy’ (meaning what these people know about democracy), nothing but arrogance and lack of rootedness, or the sardarji who praised emergency (and got Padma award!!) recites gayathri mantram for his bowel movement (to take a recent example from Net. I am told his irreverence makes him endearing, also collection of demented bad jokes. Even President took time to drop in!! )…well Hindus don’t mind taking these, how about saying something on Koran on these lines. I guess he will loose his secular tag. These are very few examples, ridiculing hindus is how elite has been defining itself since colonial period, with market needs in recent times things have become only worse. It is not an exaggeration but the contribution of this section feeding fringe groups and thus defining themselves (with media help) and on polarisation in society is not insignificant. In the end these theatrics, playing to audience on both sides only makes matter worse for us common people in the streets, we are the one who suffer the most (and yes Turd is a Gandhian!!).World has changed rapidly in last decade or so, its futile to push Hindus only, veil issue, Danish cartoons have shown the hypocrisy of Indians who masquerade as ‘secular’ …..more on this sometime later!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

We need to talk about Botox Turd

It is important that we spend some time trying to know Botox Turd, not that she is worth it but it will give insight into a mindset which has become quite common.

Botox Turd is an actress who has packaged herself quite successfully as ‘intellectual artist’\ ‘thinking actress’ for some decades now, and so has reaped huge benefits. She started her career as ‘accidental find’, when she was fresh out of the institute. The ‘accidental’ part is a joke since it doesn’t require much thinking to know that she got the role where many deserving didn’t, because of her father. Incidentally I have immense respect for this woman’s father, he was incredibly talented and a great human, no pretensions. But Botox Turd is a different breed (I guess she is the product of crassness of our time) she used him to his last breath. Poor man must be wriggling in his grave. Botox Turd’s success in positioning has more to do with her “validh” (very valid!!).

If she did work in some excellent movies (as also crass) the credit should go to the script writers and the Director but Botox Turd usurped all that to come out as a savior, being a muslim made it easy. Further there were (and still are) people much talented than her, ending up in TV serials or no work (I had the opportunity to watch theatre troupes from small towns they are incredible). During the shooting of one of her early movie the story she doesn’t stop elaborating is about how she went to observe a woman who lived in abject poverty as her study material (it is astounding how they use people). And what she found was (hold your breath on this) that how people could live without AC!!!. Atleast it is better than another actress-parliamentarian who came to know about poverty in India through movies! (I don’t blame her without a background that Turd has she will make such blatantly stupid statement). So Turd came to know that people could live without AC, this was early 1970s!!. Then Turd famously went in for bookh hartal for slum dwellers. This worked well for her and she is reaping on it even now.

There are some very committed, not famous, not wanting any fame, who are involved in some incredible activities around the country like say to give some recent example Irom Sharmila in Manipur who was in hunger for weeks or say the anganwadi worker whose hands were chopped an year back, and many many millions who carry on with their job without attaching much significance to their contribution. But Botox Turd doing even a small thing is event, she does have backyard NGO which she supports as part of packaging and she will see to that she gets maximum mileage on this. One wonders how will many of these pretentious people survive without slums or street children, where is the photo-op!!. Some of the NGOs based next to power centers also try to buy or influence genuine NGOs based in villages so as to accrue benefit, NGO ladies and gentleman is one big licking space.

An Amitabh Bachchan, a Rajnikanth, Shah Rukh Khan or any other immensely popular actor have done more to the country by means of paying huge tax (offcourse there are tax evasions but accept it- what they give as tax is very significant like multi-millionaires in other field). Any child will tell you that the basic infrastructural needs, government doles to poor and so on come from this money (yes even garbage collection). A contribution Botox Turd can only dream since she was never popular and so less earning (she is the only blot in one of my favorite movie Amar Akbar Anthony. Any guesses on how she got that role??!!. She knew she can never be popular so she packaged the ‘concerned celebrity’ part and since being licking.

So are we against celebrity endorsing cause??. Off course not. But the celebrity has to be famous, popular, it assures reach. We are indebted to Shah Rukh Khan for taking time from his very busy schedule to enlighten people on keeping street clean (off course more than ads focus need to be at the educational level). Botox Turd was never popular nor she can claim be to more concerned than anyone else, just acting in certain movies doesn’t give her that position, she acted in equally crass failed movies. Democracy functions with pressure groups (not lobbies); it needs some very committed genuine people, meaning people who function at grassroots-carrying years of experience and involvement, they add dimensions missed by the gloss. They are the one who should have impact on policy making. People like Botox Turd diffuse the seriousness of the issue, and in the stampede for self promotion they crass, they caricature the situation. People like her blur the lines and bring in the elements of crassness and gross, at the expense of addressing severe problems common people face. They use it as an opportunity to self promote. Incidentally Turd even has recipe for Kashmir problem!!...well the nearest she got to Kashmir was pillion riding Abdullah boy (most of the Kashmir problem can be traced to Farooq Abdullah’s amazing incompetence and equally passionate speaking skills…it took people sometime to see through the charade….now he does the rounds of TV studios. He is also the member of BCCI. It’s a round world with Jaitley boy also sharing some experience on licking!!. Indian cricket is in safe hands and so are programmers in TV studios!!).

Being a Muslim is what has helped Botox Turd immensely (in Indian context a muslim is automatically a secular…Turd is much more than that), what has she to do with problems common Muslims face is a mystery. In case one forgets a Muslim is a human first, so it is not necessary that only a Muslim can understand the problems of Muslim, particularly those who are poor. Anyway she never had any views, it was mostly to be on the safer side (sophisticate, diplomatic whatever one said). She did try to rush to Imrana (with media) but then that was before they decided on who should be NCW Chairperson, which Turd was salivating for.

Making statements from studios or moving arse in ‘intellectual circle’ doesn’t add much nor makes anyone bold (she is only a packaged counterpart of Shahi Imam, providing ‘bites’). What matters is common people at common places doing some extraordinary work and they get the institutional support. Pimping for poor is an old business which has recently got very lucrative. If any popular actor involves himself or herself is welcomed but pretenders are what we need be careful about. They squat themselves near power centers; they have occupied a space which popular actors have no time or inclination for. There is a huge lick here, media complies as it add to the gloss. Botox Turd has been hugely successful in this.

Post Script: This woman is an opportunist and as crude it can get. Even in her prime she talked trash (like on Smita Patil…Turd can never be Smita Patil. Smita Patil was best of hindi movie could ever produce), she foul mouthed (documented by none other than Mrinal Sen). People do mellow down with age but Turd gets cruder, probably trying to keep up scoring brownie points with her counterparts and yes the Market needs. If despite her background the woman is such a disgust then think if she was from slums, abusive surrounding. A woman from slums making their living is more inspiring, botox turd has to learn her lessons, some very humbling (her father was extremely subtle, civilized man). This woman has a big ego, despite a hypocrite she sees herself a savior. For audience like us it is rather funny. And it should remain that way, people can decide for themselves, it is only when they start licking at responsible position that we need be cautious. It is shocking that she was nominated to Rajya Sabha (Mahajan ??)

Disclaimer: The photograph of an actress is an accidental inclusion!!!!!. S**li R*ndi???